Technology can refer materials objects of use to humanity, such as machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes including systems, methods of organization and techniques. Tanzania classroom environment can be improved through:- • Training teachers about the use of technology in teaching. For example, computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction (CAI). • Improve of infrastructure by modifying classroom in the manner that the technology can be used. TEMU HAPPY TEKU/BEDCP/111541
Technology in education in most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advising students learning and may be measured in how and why individuals behave. Tanzania classroom environment can be improved through:- • Improve of infrastructure by modifying classroom in the manner that the technology can be used. • Training teachers about the use of technology in teaching. For example, computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction (CAI). • Improve of computer based learning (CBL) basing on constructivist and cognitivist learning theories because these environment focus on teaching both abstract and domain – specific problem solving.
Technology refers to material objects of use to humanity, like machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes including systems, methods of organization and techniques. In order technology to be improved in classroom’s environment the government should:- • Promote computer based learning (CBL) to teachers basing on constructivist and cognitivist theory of learning. • To construct classrooms which is well equipped to the use of technology like computers, projectors, and other like. • To train teachers about the use of technology in teaching. • To promote teachers to teach theoretically and practically by providing the technology equipment or facilities in the class.
technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills and collect materials from different sources. In Tanzania technology in the classroom can be improved by the following ways; The use of pinterest in the classroom, by creating a private board so as to share different activities and projectors. So the learners can understand more concerning the lesson. by creating a class blog, this will encourage the learners to respond to class lesson or topics. Also the learners can improve their writing skills and feel happy when they see their work appears online. BY HYERA VITARIA TEKU BAED/HK/11641
Technology involves design, engineering and production of innovation and creative production to meet the needs and wants of others from different sources. In Tanzania in order to improve the technology in the classroom should do the following: To prepare students for future when using technology it aimed at addressing each learning style. Improving writing skills and performance pf students. To interest and motivate students and make it used in school important. BY NDUNGURU DORICE E. TEKU/BAED/HK/11819
A classroom is a room dedicated primarily to teaching or learning activities. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, including public and private schoolsand colleges. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space where learning can take place uninterrupted by other distractions.
For lessons that require specific resources or a vocational approach different types of classrooms.A large class room is also called a lecture hall. A few examples of classrooms are computer labs which are used for IT lessons in schools and science laboratories for biology, chemistry and physics.
New learning technologies and mobile devices make it possible for learning to take place at any time, at any place, and at any pace that the learner desires. This is particularly important for adult students who may need to schedule their learning around work and parenting responsibilities also in Tanzania classes technology helps to improve writing skills and performance, makes students more creative in lesson and respond effectively, increase interest and attractiveness of a topic presented and technology helps learners conduct discussion when their at different settings like what we do here! by MWENDA AMINA TEKU/BEDCP/111500
Technology it can help to improve the arrangement in the classroom,helps to simplify teaching and learning to the teachers and the students,through using technology in the classroom it can attract learners in the class because of the aids that using in the classroom,also helps to the class learners to be broadened to the various country in the world and other improvement needed.BY LUOGA CHRISPINUS TEKU/BAED/GK/11234
Technology in the classroom helps the teachers to teach many students at once also helps a good arrangement of the learners in the classroom,helps the learners and teachers to be attracted the lesson because of the aids that are using in the classroom,In Tanzania thruogh using the programme of IT improve the teaching and leaning in the classroom and other resources that helps to improve in the classroom.BY LUOGA CHRISPINUS TEKU/BAED/GK/11234
In the classroom technology it can improve through different ways Through using projectors this helps to the teacher to teach different classes at once,using video it helps to simplify teaching and learning,also through using audio aids that helps also to the learners who are not able to see at the backboard,Example in Tanzania nowadays using IT to teach in the classroom and others teaching aids that associated with using technology in the classroom BY JAHA JAHA,R.
Technology is the use of scientif knowledge for improving the way to do things. By considering Tanzania enviroment technology can be improved in classroom through providing knowledge and skills on informational computer technology to the students, teacher and parents but in Tanzania classroom enviroment are categorized into urban and rural but most area which there is technology is urban compared to rural area and in rural area there is big number of people who lack skills on the issue of technology. Therefor technology can be improved in clasroom through improvement of school infrastructure and availability of electricity and aso promoting education concerning ICT to the majority.Because technology help teacher to run the classroon through the use of smart board and internet when they are delivering lesson and instructional plans by basing on individual enviroment. Also technology help on cooperation in classroom teacher can create and organize group of the students basing on their ability but it can depends on the subject and send them to internet to find the skills on their subject after that they can present their findings through online and smart board. BY SANGA YUSTIN TEKU/BEDCP/111530.
Here are some of the ways technology can help satisfy the goals of a learner-centered classroom:
1. Shift the balance of power toward the learner: Interactive online assignments can help facilitate the transfer of power and give students opportunities to practice mastering the material at their own pace. The technologies that support these activities could include wikis, online quizzes, blogs and discussion boards.
2. Use content to organize activities: Students appreciate a structured, logical flow to their courses, and how you organize your assignments and activities can go a long way in minimizing confusion. The technologies that support how you organize and communicate course materials and expectations could include an online syllabus, the learning management system, and email notifications of important due dates.
3. Think of teaching as facilitating learning: Teaching with technology enables the instructor to create learning experiences that complement each other whether the students are working on an assignment online or meeting in a face-to-face environment. The technologies that support this goal include online homework, clickers and surveys.
4. Responsibility for learning rests with the learner: Learner-centered teaching means creating assignments that allow students to practice building connections with the material, and evaluate their learning. The technologies that can be used to help students take ownership of their learning include blogs, wikis, online quizzes, and VoiceThread.
5. Evaluation provides a way to foster learning: Shibley likes to use a lot of low-stakes grading opportunities, and he gives students multiple attempts to pass online quizzes. There are numerous technologies that can help students track their progress, including online quiz banks and online platforms that enable collaboration and peer review.
Here are some of the ways technology can help satisfy the goals of a learner-centered classroom:
1. Shift the balance of power toward the learner: Interactive online assignments can help facilitate the transfer of power and give students opportunities to practice mastering the material at their own pace. The technologies that support these activities could include wikis, online quizzes, blogs and discussion boards.
2. Use content to organize activities: Students appreciate a structured, logical flow to their courses, and how you organize your assignments and activities can go a long way in minimizing confusion. The technologies that support how you organize and communicate course materials and expectations could include an online syllabus, the learning management system, and email notifications of important due dates.
3. Think of teaching as facilitating learning: Teaching with technology enables the instructor to create learning experiences that complement each other whether the students are working on an assignment online or meeting in a face-to-face environment. The technologies that support this goal include online homework, clickers and surveys.
4. Responsibility for learning rests with the learner: Learner-centered teaching means creating assignments that allow students to practice building connections with the material, and evaluate their learning. The technologies that can be used to help students take ownership of their learning include blogs, wikis, online quizzes, and VoiceThread.
5. Evaluation provides a way to foster learning: Shibley likes to use a lot of low-stakes grading opportunities, and he gives students multiple attempts to pass online quizzes. There are numerous technologies that can help students track their progress, including online quiz banks and online platforms that enable collaboration and peer review.
Technology is tool of learning which facilitate to transfer the knowledge. Classroom is place where teacher interact with learner. The way of improving technology in the classroom by consider the environment of Tanzania • To connect power in the classroom because technology need power in order to operate. • By providing short course to the teacher on how to use technology. • By improving instruments of technology like computer, projector, television, radio and others. • By putting aware the student on which tools are you going to use. • By considering the number of student if you have large number of student you can increase the voice of instrument. Commented by Mohamed Abdulrahim TEKU/BEDPSY/111205
By improving all resources of science and technology such as computer, projector and competent trainers of science and technology. Commented by MTAWA LUSEKELO.A TEKU/BAED/GK/11263.
To days students are demanding a change in the classroom because of their ability together information than any other generation due to the use of technology. Considering the environment of Tanzania technology in the classroom can be improved by: To enable teaching on ways of presenting materials and shares of resources. Improve confidence of the teacher, when he or she enter in the class so as to teach the learners Improve problem solving and critical thinking. BY HYERA OSTINA TEKU/BAED/HK/11640
To day technology is very important in studying because it make the relationship between teachers and student in the classroom and trans faring the know elegy from teacher to leaner though mass media communication.TEKU/ BAED/GK/11245
technology can be improved in the environment of Tanzanian classrooms through educating the teachers best ways of using it by ELIA MARTIN TEKU/bedpsy/111132
Presence of great number of students in Tanzania schools, make the classroom environment to be necessarily need the use technology. And the existence of this globalized world no need technology to be left behind for the matter of making students quality in the world market of academic skills. The ways of improving the technology in classroom environment are through the following; First is by providing provisional development to the teachers so as to update the teachers' knowledge and skills which goes with the present world of technology. Secondly is by providing and improving the infrastructure to the schools which is suitable with the application of education technology. This includes, supply of computer systems, appropriate room for applying the technology, projectors and other necessary technological devices. Thirdly is by improving the quality recruitment to pre service teachers with a lot of skills on how to utilize the technology in the classroom. And finally, creating the awareness to the students to go with the modern world in learning. Frank Sweetbert TEKU/BEDPSY/111136
Technology can be imroved through training inservice teachers, preparing the school environment that is condusive for adapting technology, foristance power availability in schools. By Bruno Alex, TEKU/BEDPSY/101283
Technology :simply is the making, modification,usage, and knowledge of tools,machines, tecniques, crafts and system..well is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills and extract or collect materials. Technology can be improve in classroom through the following: .Using of subject matter:as a techer structuring your contents can enable classroom to be well creative through using of technology like laptop,projector and others like. .Teaching as facilitating in learning: when teaching is used effective in classroom by using diffrent ways of teaching including technology could make easier in understanding learning subject and influence thinking capacity to be increasing. By Somosomo Halima B,TEKU/BEDCP/111536
It can be improved by providing seminers to in service teachers on the use of current technogy in teaching,also to innovate and encourage the use of modern technology in education institution in our country.This will help much in producing quality and competent teachers.LUSEKELO FARAJI TEKU/BEDCP/111448
In order to increase success in different activities, technology is needs so we can improve classroom environment by consider the following. first by providing education to teachers on how to use technology like using computer in the classrooms. second by providing resources to the teachers that can help in teaching their students like computer third by improving infrastructure which can influence students to learn and help the technology to work Therefore in order to increase development in our country, the government should introduce programs which train teachers to use technology in the classroom. by TEKU/BEDCP/111459
Technology in classroom can be improved through using scientific tools like projector,computer. Also through educating teachers about the important of technology in the community. MISOKALYA PATRICK ,D. TEKU/BEDCP/111469
Now days technology can be defined in different ways,but in education context we can say a scientific knowledge that applied in educational setting so as to simplify the process of teaching and learning; To improve technology in classroom environment the following should be done. (1)Teachers must consider 10 skills of Educational Media and Technology. (2) Teachers must be trained deeply on how to use different equipments that used in educational setting such as projectors,computers soft wares,etc (3) Students must be encouraged to use technology in positive way. (4)Also the government must ensure the availability of electricity in all schools. ALLY MOHAMED. REG.NO - TEKU/BEDCP/111395.
The government should provide the equipment for the school use such as: computers, projectors, and others which will be used by the teacher in the classroom to enable the learner to know more and to create the world of intellectuals in the world of science and technology. And the technology should be included as the subject in the curriculum to enable the all people to understand. TEKU/BAED/HK/111607 KOMBA RACHEL
Teachers should be well trained and updated, this will make them capable to meet classroom challenges. also classes should be equipped with technological equipments such as computers to give students enough practical.
Provision of professional development to in-service so as to update their knowledge and skills that will go with this world of technology will the first way of improving technology in classroom environment of Tanzanian schools. Secondly, is about creating awareness to students to technology work for them in their studying time. Thirdly,government should provide better facilities for application technology in education of Tanzania, this include supply of computer systems in their schools, having skilled teachers with IT knowledge, better buildings that are suitable technology application, and supply of electricity in their schools. Lastly, provide quality recruitment/training to pre- inservice teachers with equipped IT knowledge. Constantine Isabela TEKU/BEDPSY/111127
Students should be provided with enough time for practical activities and this should be under teachers guidance and assistance to avoid misuse of the technology. The equipments available should handled careful, checked and repaired often so as to avoid any inconvenience which may result from this. HERI SHANGWE K. TEKU/BEDCP/111423.
There should be increase of modern equipments in different schools like computer, television and radio which can make students increase attention towards learning, also there should be ample time for students to engage into practical activities rather than theory activities. by MSYANI MISTONI, reg No TEKU/BAED/GK/11260
Nikata Zuhura, 4/1/2014 Students who are striving to learn the use of a new technological device often end up working together and improving their communication skills through tutoring, discussion and simple inquisitiveness. As students discuss and try new ideas while learning the new technology or software, they are improving their ability to work out problems without the help of adults and become better at communicating. This ability to work together to solve problems carries forward into adulthood, when students will need the skills to succeed in future careers.
Technology is a useful tool that teachers can add to the classroom setting. It has a wide range of potential benefits that can improve student learning, motivate and help for better life skills. As teachers incorporate more devices and technological items to the classroom, the students will benefit from the improvements to the learning environment and ultimately will see improved success that increases self-confidence. Nikata Zuhura; TEKU/BEL/KE/111073
A primary purpose for employing technology in schools is to enhance student learning many technologies exist in schools to enhance instruction and to support student learning. While teachers use these technologies, teachers select media they believe will promote their instructional goals. Following are a few examples of computers being used to support four goals: building student capacity for research, making student inquiry more realistic, enabling students to present information in appealing
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Technology is the material object of use to humanity such as hardware and software that help people to develop skills and knowledge in everyday life four developments In Tanzania context technology is to be improved in school by improving infrastructure and power or electricity That is very essential in technology. Teachers need to be well trained on how to apply and develop techinology in their school. Technology has to be unseated in curriculum from the grass root level to higher learning institution to make learners competent on It Government has to increase funding in technology such as providing computer and other media in every school. TEKU/BEDCP/111471 MKAKATU STEVEN
When the equipment of technology can be used properly in the class and the classroom environment to be improved to facilitate teaching and learning. ALPHONCE SHUKURU TEKU/BEDCP/111396.
technology can be improved in the classroom by consideration of subject matter and learners' ability during teaching and learning process. RICHARD ISACK TEKU/BEDCP/111525
Education of computer skills should be provided to students from per-primary education so as to technology during teaching and learning in classroom. MPANGALA CHARLES TEKU/BEDCP/111481
Installing computer application to the students so that they could math with globalization which carries a number of changes facilitating learning and development. The use of hanging soft copies to facilitate teaching and learning in the class. This is important especially to higher levels where students are matured enough. Internet or global communication is to be highly learned so as to meet all communication needs worldwide and class assignments. For example, posting assignments to the students. Increase of research technology to the students. For example, students may have explore internet to get various materials which expand their work of research in different fields of life. Increase of finding educational materials for teaching and learning through internet explore. For example, a teacher in the class may lead the students to find modern materials which are used to enrich academic materials according to the world change. The technology discussed contributes a lot to the academic performance towards the betterment of the society at large.
TECHNOLOGY can be improved in classroom by providing enough resources like computers to all schools,to increase teachers who are well in technology, also government should increase budget to education and government should ensure supply of electricity energy to all schools so as to improve technology in classes. SWALLOW NESTORY TEKU/BEDCP/111540
Technology can be improved through the government to invest more in education; where infrastructure can be technologically improved, buying modern material, recruiting more expert to enable learners access technology in the class. NYALUKE SUDY M. TEKU/BEDCP/111513
Most of the youth misuse internet for viewing nonsense issues like pornography pictures which spoil their behavior. How possible to avoid this? SIMWINGA HARRIET TEKU/BEDCP/111535
classroom is a place where by students and teachers meet so as in part knowledge from one person to another. in considering classroom environment in Tanzania technology can be improved from the learners to the teachers through. . Training teachers on how to apply technology tools such as computer in teaching, audio visual such as Tv, Radio, and other a like. . Also to improve classroom environment so as to have facilities which can allow technology to be imparted such as to have electricity, solar energy and other source of energy. TEKU/BEDCP/101624
Why education technology can be misused, !! Is due to the poverty, ignorance and an idle minds we have especially in third world countries, so as to allow developed countries/nations to intervene in our economy, political, cultural so as in socially. No one who can escape from that disasters of advanced science and technology floods of life. poverty ,ignorance and idle minds are the major sources in education technology misuses in the world. DANIEL GODBLESS. TEKU/BAED/HK/ 11602.
The main things to be done so as to improve technology in Tanzanian classrooms is by to improve infrastructures like computers to each student and teachers, training more teachers with skills on ICT, and fulfilling our good educational policies which have already been formulated. LIHETA ANANIAS,D. TEKU/BEDPSY/111172
The goverment should promote compute based learning(CBL)basing on contructivist and cognitivisity theory of learning.
Training teachers about the use of technology in teaching. example the use of computers based training (cbt) even computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction so as they can know how to use computes for NDUNGURU ELVIRA TEKU/BEDCP/111506
Tanzania should improve infrastructures in all places especially in villages by constructing electricity power, roads that will help efficiency connection between villages and town centres hence education media technology can be accessed. MTITU PATIENCE TEKU/BAED/GK/11264
Technology can be improved by establishing many workshop in towns and villages by the government or sponsorship so as to have many improved person in the professional of media in technology. MBIKULE SIMON F. TEKU/BAED/GK/11243
Tanzanian classroom can be connected with technology if power will be available first in homes because we can not connect schools while at homes no power ,then teachers like me we need to be integrated to technology. NGONYANI JAMES,O.TEKU/BAED/HK/11828
Technology can be improved by providing the Tanzanian secondary schools with adequate education media and technology, improving teacher development skills and improving the teacher working condition. The teacher trainee should be fully equipped, too. LUKANYA, MAGANGA TEKU/BEL/KE/111002
media technology can improved in classroom through preparing good and equitable aid such as computer slide film availability electricity which can be simple to regenerate power especially in the where academic issue are taking place KYANDO JANE/TEKU/BAED/GK/11231
• Raising interest of the learners to speculate more materials particularly in research techniques, for example science and mathematics. • Simplify works in learning and teaching to both students and teachers for widing reason example calculation. • To make both students and learners to interact with worldwide, for example knowing what goes around the world. • To motivate students intrinsically, for example olaying games. • To make students and teachers much with the time, for example the study of globalization that modify or brings changes like modifying culture of teaching. KOMBE THEREZIA TEKU/BEDCP/111439
Techonology can be improved through trainning teachers about technology ,improvement of classroom infrustructures like buying generator,solar power to simplify running of teaching devices such as projectors,screen.KABUJE TUMAINI ,S.TEKU/BAED/HK/11667
The government should provide teaching and learning materials like projector, computer, electricity power and other technological materials. TWALIB NATHIFA TEKU/BEL/KE/1111OO
Most Tanzania classrooms' environments are poor for new technologies to be employed in learning process.strategies are needed to improve schools environments by having school equipping programs and improve power supply systems in schools. ANDREAS IVO, TEKU/BAED/GK/11166
Technology can be improved in Tanzania classroom through the following ways ,government should improve infrastructure like electricity supply in schools and train more teachers on how to use technological equipments such us computer,projector and other equipments JACKSON SUZANA,TEKU/BAED/GK/11198
Technology can be improved in Tanzania classroom through the following ways ,government should improve infrastructure like electricity supply in schools and train more teachers on how to use technological equipments such us computer,projector and other equipments JACKSON SUZANA,TEKU/BAED/GK/11198
Technology can be advanced through improving infrastructure equipment,such as electricity ,and the like,government should provide enough medias like computer projector,also-the government should train more teachers in computer programs to ensure enough teachers who is equipped on how to use medias in teaching process RASMOS JUMA,M, TEKU/BAED/GK/11291
The government should increase media which can be used in classroom like computer ,the computer program should be emphasized more in secondary level,classroom environment should be improved like electricity system which support in running media . MWASHILINDI TIMOTH,TEKU/BAED/GK/11274
Technology it can improve teaching and learning in classroom as well as outside the classroom environment due to interaction with different media. Adamu Owden, A.TEKU/BAED/GK/11162
Without technology is like tea without sugar, so in classrooms teachers , and students must make sure that the tech. is utilized effectively. To improve it the teachers should be empowered to use and control it so as to bring about good results to the learners and don't misuse it.
MWANTEMANIE FURAHA TEKU/BAED/HK/11802 to uptodate teaching proffesion to the teachers and school infrastructure should be improved.Example computer rooms.
With the emergence of smart phones, eBook readers, ‘Podcasts’ and ‘Vodcasts,’[2] Internet and low-cost computers, as well as solar electricity, cell phone access, and other technologies, comes the opportunity to provide education to assist individuals and communities in places under-served by traditional educational institutes. Technology and other innovations enable educational design and delivery to be adapted to the needs and environment of students enrolled in Open and Distance learning (ODL) and traditional educational programs. Thus, technology can also help programs shift to a ‘learner-centered’ approach to education. JOHN MHINA WITH REG NO TEKU/BEL/KE/11978
Technology can refer materials objects of use to humanity, such as machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes including systems, methods of organization and techniques.
ReplyDeleteTanzania classroom environment can be improved through:-
• Training teachers about the use of technology in teaching. For example, computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction (CAI).
• Improve of infrastructure by modifying classroom in the manner that the technology can be used.
Technology in education in most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advising students learning and may be measured in how and why individuals behave.
ReplyDeleteTanzania classroom environment can be improved through:-
• Improve of infrastructure by modifying classroom in the manner that the technology can be used.
• Training teachers about the use of technology in teaching. For example, computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction (CAI).
• Improve of computer based learning (CBL) basing on constructivist and cognitivist learning theories because these environment focus on teaching both abstract and domain – specific problem solving.
Technology refers to material objects of use to humanity, like machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes including systems, methods of organization and techniques.
ReplyDeleteIn order technology to be improved in classroom’s environment the government should:-
• Promote computer based learning (CBL) to teachers basing on constructivist and cognitivist theory of learning.
• To construct classrooms which is well equipped to the use of technology like computers, projectors, and other like.
• To train teachers about the use of technology in teaching.
• To promote teachers to teach theoretically and practically by providing the technology equipment or facilities in the class.
technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills and collect materials from different sources. In Tanzania technology in the classroom can be improved by the following ways;
ReplyDeleteThe use of pinterest in the classroom, by creating a private board so as to share different activities and projectors. So the learners can understand more concerning the lesson.
by creating a class blog, this will encourage the learners to respond to class lesson or topics. Also the learners can improve their writing skills and feel happy when they see their work appears online. BY HYERA VITARIA TEKU BAED/HK/11641
Technology involves design, engineering and production of innovation and creative production to meet the needs and wants of others from different sources. In Tanzania in order to improve the technology in the classroom should do the following:
ReplyDeleteTo prepare students for future when using technology it aimed at addressing each learning style.
Improving writing skills and performance pf students.
To interest and motivate students and make it used in school important. BY NDUNGURU DORICE E. TEKU/BAED/HK/11819
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA classroom is a room dedicated primarily to teaching or learning activities. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, including public and private schoolsand colleges. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space where learning can take place uninterrupted by other distractions.
ReplyDeleteFor lessons that require specific resources or a vocational approach different types of classrooms.A large class room is also called a lecture hall. A few examples of classrooms are computer labs which are used for IT lessons in schools and science laboratories for biology, chemistry and physics.
New learning technologies and mobile devices make it possible for learning to take place at any time, at any place, and at any pace that the learner desires. This is particularly important for adult students who may need to schedule their learning around work and parenting responsibilities also in Tanzania classes technology helps to improve writing skills and performance, makes students more creative in lesson and respond effectively, increase interest and attractiveness of a topic presented and technology helps learners conduct discussion when their at different settings like what we do here!
Technology it can help to improve the arrangement in the classroom,helps to simplify teaching and learning to the teachers and the students,through using technology in the classroom it can attract learners in the class because of the aids that using in the classroom,also helps to the class learners to be broadened to the various country in the world and other improvement needed.BY LUOGA CHRISPINUS TEKU/BAED/GK/11234
ReplyDeleteTechnology in the classroom helps the teachers to teach many students at once also helps a good arrangement of the learners in the classroom,helps the learners and teachers to be attracted the lesson because of the aids that are using in the classroom,In Tanzania thruogh using the programme of IT improve the teaching and leaning in the classroom and other resources that helps to improve in the classroom.BY LUOGA CHRISPINUS TEKU/BAED/GK/11234
ReplyDeleteIn the classroom technology it can improve through different ways
ReplyDeleteThrough using projectors this helps to the teacher to teach different classes at once,using video it helps to simplify teaching and learning,also through using audio aids that helps also to the learners who are not able to see at the backboard,Example in Tanzania nowadays using IT to teach in the classroom and others teaching aids that associated with using technology in the classroom BY JAHA JAHA,R.
Technology is the use of scientif knowledge for improving the way to do things. By considering Tanzania enviroment technology can be improved in classroom through providing knowledge and skills on informational computer technology to the students, teacher and parents but in Tanzania classroom enviroment are categorized into urban and rural but most area which there is technology is urban compared to rural area and in rural area there is big number of people who lack skills on the issue of technology. Therefor technology can be improved in clasroom through improvement of school infrastructure and availability of electricity and aso promoting education concerning ICT to the majority.Because technology help teacher to run the classroon through the use of smart board and internet when they are delivering lesson and instructional plans by basing on individual enviroment. Also technology help on cooperation in classroom teacher can create and organize group of the students basing on their ability but it can depends on the subject and send them to internet to find the skills on their subject after that they can present their findings through online and smart board. BY SANGA YUSTIN TEKU/BEDCP/111530.
ReplyDeleteHere are some of the ways technology can help satisfy the goals of a learner-centered classroom:
ReplyDelete1. Shift the balance of power toward the learner: Interactive online assignments can help facilitate the transfer of power and give students opportunities to practice mastering the material at their own pace. The technologies that support these activities could include wikis, online quizzes, blogs and discussion boards.
2. Use content to organize activities: Students appreciate a structured, logical flow to their courses, and how you organize your assignments and activities can go a long way in minimizing confusion. The technologies that support how you organize and communicate course materials and expectations could include an online syllabus, the learning management system, and email notifications of important due dates.
3. Think of teaching as facilitating learning: Teaching with technology enables the instructor to create learning experiences that complement each other whether the students are working on an assignment online or meeting in a face-to-face environment. The technologies that support this goal include online homework, clickers and surveys.
4. Responsibility for learning rests with the learner: Learner-centered teaching means creating assignments that allow students to practice building connections with the material, and evaluate their learning. The technologies that can be used to help students take ownership of their learning include blogs, wikis, online quizzes, and VoiceThread.
5. Evaluation provides a way to foster learning: Shibley likes to use a lot of low-stakes grading opportunities, and he gives students multiple attempts to pass online quizzes. There are numerous technologies that can help students track their progress, including online quiz banks and online platforms that enable collaboration and peer review.
Here are some of the ways technology can help satisfy the goals of a learner-centered classroom:
ReplyDelete1. Shift the balance of power toward the learner: Interactive online assignments can help facilitate the transfer of power and give students opportunities to practice mastering the material at their own pace. The technologies that support these activities could include wikis, online quizzes, blogs and discussion boards.
2. Use content to organize activities: Students appreciate a structured, logical flow to their courses, and how you organize your assignments and activities can go a long way in minimizing confusion. The technologies that support how you organize and communicate course materials and expectations could include an online syllabus, the learning management system, and email notifications of important due dates.
3. Think of teaching as facilitating learning: Teaching with technology enables the instructor to create learning experiences that complement each other whether the students are working on an assignment online or meeting in a face-to-face environment. The technologies that support this goal include online homework, clickers and surveys.
4. Responsibility for learning rests with the learner: Learner-centered teaching means creating assignments that allow students to practice building connections with the material, and evaluate their learning. The technologies that can be used to help students take ownership of their learning include blogs, wikis, online quizzes, and VoiceThread.
5. Evaluation provides a way to foster learning: Shibley likes to use a lot of low-stakes grading opportunities, and he gives students multiple attempts to pass online quizzes. There are numerous technologies that can help students track their progress, including online quiz banks and online platforms that enable collaboration and peer review.
By introducing new technology such as the uses of computer, projector, whiteboard and mobile phones.
ReplyDeleteby MGINA BONIFACE. J.
Technology is tool of learning which facilitate to transfer the knowledge.
ReplyDeleteClassroom is place where teacher interact with learner.
The way of improving technology in the classroom by consider the environment of Tanzania
• To connect power in the classroom because technology need power in order to operate.
• By providing short course to the teacher on how to use technology.
• By improving instruments of technology like computer, projector, television, radio and others.
• By putting aware the student on which tools are you going to use.
• By considering the number of student if you have large number of student you can increase the voice of instrument.
Commented by Mohamed Abdulrahim TEKU/BEDPSY/111205
By improving all resources of science and technology such as computer, projector and competent trainers of science and technology.
ReplyDeleteCommented by MTAWA LUSEKELO.A TEKU/BAED/GK/11263.
To days students are demanding a change in the classroom because of their ability together information than any other generation due to the use of technology. Considering the environment of Tanzania technology in the classroom can be improved by:
ReplyDeleteTo enable teaching on ways of presenting materials and shares of resources.
Improve confidence of the teacher, when he or she enter in the class so as to teach the learners
Improve problem solving and critical thinking. BY HYERA OSTINA TEKU/BAED/HK/11640
To day technology is very important in studying because it make the relationship between teachers and student in the classroom and trans faring the know elegy from teacher to leaner though mass media communication.TEKU/ BAED/GK/11245
ReplyDeletecan be improved in the environment of Tanzanian classrooms through
educating the teachers best ways of using it by ELIA MARTIN TEKU/bedpsy/111132
Presence of great number of students in Tanzania schools, make the classroom environment to be necessarily need the use technology. And the existence of this globalized world no need technology to be left behind for the matter of making students quality in the world market of academic skills. The ways of improving the technology in classroom environment are through the following;
ReplyDeleteFirst is by providing provisional development to the teachers so as to update the teachers' knowledge and skills which goes with the present world of technology.
Secondly is by providing and improving the infrastructure to the schools which is suitable with the application of education technology. This includes, supply of computer systems, appropriate room for applying the technology, projectors and other necessary technological devices.
Thirdly is by improving the quality recruitment to pre service teachers with a lot of skills on how to utilize the technology in the classroom.
And finally, creating the awareness to the students to go with the modern world in learning.
Frank Sweetbert TEKU/BEDPSY/111136
Technology can be imroved through training inservice teachers, preparing the school environment that is condusive for adapting technology, foristance power availability in schools. By Bruno Alex, TEKU/BEDPSY/101283
1 by giving seminal to teachers how to use it
ReplyDelete2 be interactive to your learners
Provide seminal to teacher
Technology :simply is the making, modification,usage, and knowledge of tools,machines, tecniques, crafts and system..well is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills and extract or collect materials.
ReplyDeleteTechnology can be improve in classroom through the following:
.Using of subject matter:as a techer structuring your contents can enable classroom to be well creative through using of technology like laptop,projector and others like.
.Teaching as facilitating in learning: when teaching is used effective in classroom by using diffrent ways of teaching including technology could make easier in understanding learning subject and influence thinking capacity to be increasing. By Somosomo Halima B,TEKU/BEDCP/111536
It can be improved by providing seminers to in service teachers on the use of current technogy in teaching,also to innovate and encourage the use of modern technology in education institution in our country.This will help much in producing quality and competent teachers.LUSEKELO FARAJI TEKU/BEDCP/111448
ReplyDeleteIn order to increase success in different activities, technology is needs so we can improve classroom environment by consider the following.
ReplyDeletefirst by providing education to teachers on how to use technology like using computer in the classrooms.
second by providing resources to the teachers that can help in teaching their students like computer
third by improving infrastructure which can influence students to learn and help the technology to work
Therefore in order to increase development in our country, the government should introduce programs which train teachers to use technology in the classroom.
by TEKU/BEDCP/111459
Technology in classroom can be improved through using scientific tools like projector,computer. Also through educating teachers about the important of technology in the community. MISOKALYA PATRICK ,D. TEKU/BEDCP/111469
ReplyDeleteNow days technology can be defined in different ways,but in education context we can say a scientific knowledge that applied in educational setting so as to simplify the process of teaching and learning;
ReplyDeleteTo improve technology in classroom environment the following should be done.
(1)Teachers must consider 10 skills of Educational Media and Technology.
(2) Teachers must be trained deeply on how to use different equipments that
used in educational setting such as projectors,computers soft wares,etc
(3) Students must be encouraged to use technology in positive way.
(4)Also the government must ensure the availability of electricity in all schools.
The government should provide the equipment for the school use such as: computers, projectors, and others which will be used by the teacher in the classroom to enable the learner to know more and to create the world of intellectuals in the world of science and technology. And the technology should be included as the subject in the curriculum to enable the all people to understand. TEKU/BAED/HK/111607 KOMBA RACHEL
ReplyDeleteTeachers should be well trained and updated, this will make them capable to meet classroom challenges. also classes should be equipped with technological equipments such as computers to give students enough practical.
ReplyDeleteProvision of professional development to in-service so as to update their knowledge and skills that will go with this world of technology will the first way of improving technology in classroom environment of Tanzanian schools. Secondly, is about creating awareness to students to technology work for them in their studying time. Thirdly,government should provide better facilities for application technology in education of Tanzania, this include supply of computer systems in their schools, having skilled teachers with IT knowledge, better buildings that are suitable technology application, and supply of electricity in their schools. Lastly, provide quality recruitment/training to pre- inservice teachers with equipped IT knowledge.
ReplyDeleteConstantine Isabela TEKU/BEDPSY/111127
Students should be provided with enough time for practical activities and this should be under teachers guidance and assistance to avoid misuse of the technology.
ReplyDeleteThe equipments available should handled careful, checked and repaired often so as to avoid any inconvenience which may result from this. HERI SHANGWE K. TEKU/BEDCP/111423.
There should be increase of modern equipments in different schools like computer, television and radio which can make students increase attention towards learning, also there should be ample time for students to engage into practical activities rather than theory activities. by MSYANI MISTONI, reg No TEKU/BAED/GK/11260
ReplyDeleteNikata Zuhura, 4/1/2014
ReplyDeleteStudents who are striving to learn the use of a new technological device often end up working together and improving their communication skills through tutoring, discussion and simple inquisitiveness. As students discuss and try new ideas while learning the new technology or software, they are improving their ability to work out problems without the help of adults and become better at communicating. This ability to work together to solve problems carries forward into adulthood, when students will need the skills to succeed in future careers.
Technology is a useful tool that teachers can add to the classroom setting. It has a wide range of potential benefits that can improve student learning, motivate and help for better life skills. As teachers incorporate more devices and technological items to the classroom, the students will benefit from the improvements to the learning environment and ultimately will see improved success that increases self-confidence.
Nikata Zuhura; TEKU/BEL/KE/111073
A primary purpose for employing technology in schools is to enhance student learning many technologies exist in schools to enhance instruction and to support student learning. While teachers use these technologies, teachers select media they believe will promote their instructional goals. Following are a few examples of computers being used to support four goals: building student capacity for research, making student inquiry more realistic, enabling students to present information in appealing
We are Proud to have your support guys,Thank you so Much!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteInvite more, this is our playground with our balls of select, single touch, comment guys.
Technology is the material object of use to humanity such as hardware and software that help people to develop skills and knowledge in everyday life four developments
ReplyDeleteIn Tanzania context technology is to be improved in school by improving infrastructure and power or electricity
That is very essential in technology.
Teachers need to be well trained on how to apply and develop techinology in their school.
Technology has to be unseated in curriculum from the grass root level to higher learning institution to make learners competent on
Government has to increase funding in technology such as providing computer and other media in every school.
When the equipment of technology can be used properly in the class and the classroom environment to be improved to facilitate teaching and learning.
technology can be improved in the classroom by consideration of subject matter and learners' ability during teaching and learning process. RICHARD ISACK TEKU/BEDCP/111525
ReplyDeleteTechnology in the class can be improved by using different teaching aids such as power point, computer and projector.
Education of computer skills should be provided to students from per-primary education so as to technology during teaching and learning in classroom. MPANGALA CHARLES TEKU/BEDCP/111481
ReplyDeleteTechnology should be considered from grassroots level of nursery to higher level of education..RAYMOND DOROTH TEKU/BEDCP/111524
ReplyDeleteIn order to improve technology in classroom, teachers must get knowledge of computer and communication skills
Installing computer application to the students so that they could math with globalization which carries a number of changes facilitating learning and development.
ReplyDeleteThe use of hanging soft copies to facilitate teaching and learning in the class. This is important especially to higher levels where students are matured enough.
Internet or global communication is to be highly learned so as to meet all communication needs worldwide and class assignments. For example, posting assignments to the students.
Increase of research technology to the students. For example, students may have explore internet to get various materials which expand their work of research in different fields of life.
Increase of finding educational materials for teaching and learning through internet explore. For example, a teacher in the class may lead the students to find modern materials which are used to enrich academic materials according to the world change.
The technology discussed contributes a lot to the academic performance towards the betterment of the society at large.
TECHNOLOGY can be improved in classroom by providing enough resources like computers to all schools,to increase teachers who are well in technology, also government should increase budget to education and government should ensure supply of electricity energy to all schools so as to improve technology in classes. SWALLOW NESTORY TEKU/BEDCP/111540
ReplyDeleteTechnology can be improved through the government to invest more in education; where infrastructure can be technologically improved, buying modern material, recruiting more expert to enable learners access technology in the class. NYALUKE SUDY M. TEKU/BEDCP/111513
ReplyDeleteMost of the youth misuse internet for viewing nonsense issues like pornography pictures which spoil their behavior. How possible to avoid this?
classroom is a place where by students and teachers meet so as in part knowledge from one person to another.
Deletein considering classroom environment in Tanzania technology can be improved from the learners to the teachers through.
. Training teachers on how to apply technology tools such as computer in
teaching, audio visual such as Tv, Radio, and other a like.
. Also to improve classroom environment so as to have facilities which can allow technology to be imparted such as to have electricity, solar energy and other source of energy. TEKU/BEDCP/101624
Why education technology can be misused, !! Is due to the poverty, ignorance and an idle minds we have especially in third world countries, so as to allow developed countries/nations to intervene in our economy, political, cultural so as in socially. No one who can escape from that disasters of advanced science and technology floods of life. poverty ,ignorance and idle minds are the major sources in education technology misuses in the world.
The main things to be done so as to improve technology in Tanzanian classrooms is by to improve infrastructures like computers to each student and teachers, training more teachers with skills on ICT, and fulfilling our good educational policies which have already been formulated.
The goverment should promote compute based learning(CBL)basing on contructivist and cognitivisity theory of learning.
ReplyDeleteTraining teachers about the use of technology in teaching. example the use of computers based training (cbt) even computer aided instruction or computer assisted instruction so as they can know how to use computes for
Tanzania should improve infrastructures in all places especially in villages by constructing electricity power, roads that will help efficiency connection between villages and town centres hence education media technology can be accessed.
Technology can be improved by establishing many workshop in towns and villages by the government or sponsorship so as to have many improved person in the professional of media in technology.
Tanzanian classroom can be connected with technology if power will be available first in homes because we can not connect schools while at homes no power ,then teachers like me we need to be integrated to technology.
Technology can be improved by providing the Tanzanian secondary schools with adequate education media and technology, improving teacher development skills and improving the teacher working condition. The teacher trainee should be fully equipped, too. LUKANYA, MAGANGA TEKU/BEL/KE/111002
ReplyDeleteI enjoy today's presentation about word art so far students were very few,media technology has learned me many things. I real enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy today's presentation about word art so far students were very few,media technology has learned me many things. I real enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI love so much media and technology
ReplyDeleteI love so much media and technology
ReplyDeleteTechnoloogy can be improved in classroom through the use of interesting materials like cellphone, computers, tape recorder, televions and projectors.
Technoloogy can be improved in classroom through the use of interesting materials like cellphone, computers, tape recorder, televions and projectors.
Education media can improve in classroom computer through t he use of interesting material like computer ALPHAN OBED TEKU/BAED/HE/11335
ReplyDeletemedia technology can improved in classroom through preparing good and equitable aid such as computer slide film availability electricity which can be simple to regenerate power especially in the where academic issue are taking place KYANDO JANE/TEKU/BAED/GK/11231
ReplyDelete• Raising interest of the learners to speculate more materials particularly in research techniques, for example science and mathematics.
ReplyDelete• Simplify works in learning and teaching to both students and teachers for widing reason example calculation.
• To make both students and learners to interact with worldwide, for example knowing what goes around the world.
• To motivate students intrinsically, for example olaying games.
• To make students and teachers much with the time, for example the study of globalization that modify or brings changes like modifying culture of teaching.
Techonology can be improved through trainning teachers about technology ,improvement of classroom infrustructures like buying generator,solar power to simplify running of teaching devices such as projectors,screen.KABUJE TUMAINI ,S.TEKU/BAED/HK/11667
ReplyDeleteClassroom can be improved by educating teachers on the use of science and technology.
The government should provide teaching and learning materials like projector, computer, electricity power and other technological materials.
Most Tanzania classrooms' environments are poor for new technologies to be employed in learning process.strategies are needed to improve schools environments by having school equipping programs and improve power supply systems in schools.
Technology can be improved in Tanzania classroom through the following ways ,government should improve infrastructure like electricity supply in schools and train more teachers on how to use technological equipments such us computer,projector and other equipments
Technology can be improved in Tanzania classroom through the following ways ,government should improve infrastructure like electricity supply in schools and train more teachers on how to use technological equipments such us computer,projector and other equipments
Technology can be advanced through improving infrastructure equipment,such as electricity ,and the like,government should provide enough medias like computer projector,also-the government should train more teachers in computer programs to ensure enough teachers who is equipped on how to use medias in teaching process
The government should increase media which can be used in classroom like computer ,the computer program should be emphasized more in secondary level,classroom environment should be improved like electricity system which support in running media .
Technology it can improve teaching and learning in classroom as well as outside the classroom environment due to interaction with different media. Adamu Owden, A.TEKU/BAED/GK/11162
ReplyDeletewe can miss use technology by watching pornography and spend much time on the issues like sports and games rather than studying.
ReplyDeleteWithout technology is like tea without sugar, so in classrooms teachers , and students must make sure that the tech. is utilized effectively. To improve it the teachers should be empowered to use and control it so as to bring about good results to the learners and don't misuse it.
ReplyDeleteMWANTEMANIE FURAHA TEKU/BAED/HK/11802 to uptodate teaching proffesion to the teachers and school infrastructure should be improved.Example computer rooms.
ReplyDeleteGood presentation LUGONA EDWIN TEKU/BEDPSY/111177
ReplyDeleteWith the emergence of smart phones, eBook readers, ‘Podcasts’ and ‘Vodcasts,’[2] Internet and low-cost computers, as well as solar electricity, cell phone access, and other technologies, comes the opportunity to provide education to assist individuals and communities in places under-served by traditional educational institutes. Technology and other innovations enable educational design and delivery to be adapted to the needs and environment of students enrolled in Open and Distance learning (ODL) and traditional educational programs. Thus, technology can also help programs shift to a ‘learner-centered’ approach to education. JOHN MHINA WITH REG NO TEKU/BEL/KE/11978